George Pick Aerotours
in association with
Future Plans For 2008
George Pick AeroTours 2008
Ventures and adventures for the more discerning aviation enthusiast: Tours in the planning include.
09 / 19 March. Laos-Cambodia-Vietnam-Manila Flying Y-7 Cambodia, Mil 17 & 18 in Laos, YS-11 in Manila, full ramp tours requested.
Civil Airports tour of China for early May 2008, visiting to include Guanghan and Museum, Chengdu, Guangzhou Baiyan, Kunming, Shenzen, Taiyuan, Shanghai Hongqiao & Pudong, Beijing, Datang Shan Museum and Xian
May 2008. The Floatplane flyin - Southwest France. A weekend to enjoy local flying and French wine and hospitality.
2 tours to Russia to include 26 June to 1 July - Moscow Weekend Visiting Bykovo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo, & Chkalovskaya with extension to St. Petersburg.30 August to 12 Sept - Gelendzhik Hydro Air Salon - Flying boat weekendCovering aviation interests in South west Russia and Ukraine.
Sept. Weekend tour to the Hungary. – Airfields & Museums - Pleasure flights in Li-2, An-2, PO-2, Hiller 12, Jet ranger, Falke 4 etc, . 23 Oct to 3 Nov. Wings over Houston, & Lackland AFB Airshows.Tour of Texas Aviation in Houston, Fort Worth & San Antonio. - airports, museums, flying & ranching.
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